Citroën 2CV

Catégorie: Berline

Origine: FR France

Véhicule effacé du jeu
: It was cut from the game unknown reason



Contributeur: huatuanhai

Contributeur: SolanaBogon2


Auteur Message
US WolfLover94 photo_librarymode_comment

2024-06-15 14:19
This would have been wonderful to drive around Nice, All well.

BR Attacker1997 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-09-29 19:48
Maybe to avoid problems with the automaker, since this is exactly like its real counterpart
CA Flippedoutkyrii photo_librarymode_comment

2020-09-29 19:42
Why did they cut the 2CV? It's perhaps the most wildly known and easily recognizable French Car there is!

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