ZiL 41047

Surnom: Monstrous

Catégorie: Limousine

Origine: RS URSS

Véhicule jouable à débloquer
: Finish Special Race 38 / 230 Matches / Finish Final Race 5



Contributeur: GroupB

Contributeur: GroupB


Auteur Message
SM MBR photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-16 21:59
I was new to this game and a beginner, wasn’t even that hard to take control of, it’s was lot of joy for me
US bmw-driver photo_librarymode_comment

2019-01-05 12:47
This is no joy to drive, for those with either stiff hands on the controller, or for those who are new to the game, due to its "Dynamic" handling. But it is rewarding in that it already has Double Nitrous upon startup, although seeing over the car's "transformation" can be a tad difficult for some people.

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