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Dodge Charger
Dodge Charger

Grand Theft Auto VI (2025)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-10 00:02
Where did you find the pics of the vehicles? Game ain't even out yet.
Chevrolet Impala
Chevrolet Impala

Double Action: Boogaloo (2014)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-09 23:26
1980-1985 Chevy Impala. By 1986 Impala was replaced by Caprice.
Chevrolet Caprice
Chevrolet Caprice

The Silent Age (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-09 23:01
OMG! Chevy NOTHING! 1976 Plymouth Gran Fury. People don't know their vehicles :P.

-- Last edit:
2025-02-09 23:01:48

This Is The Police 2 (2018)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-09 22:10
car-dude44 wrote

Ford Crown Victoria
Ford Crown Victoria

Test Drive 6 (1999)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-09 14:21
Ford CrownVic but with GranMarquis grill

TD Overdrive: The Brotherhood of Speed (2002)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2025-02-09 12:40
1980's Chevy Impala
Ford Police Interceptor
Ford Police Interceptor

Asphalt: Overdrive (2014)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2024-11-24 09:56
I think they got those lightbars propped up way too high, they should sit lower on the roof LOL.
Pontiac G6
Pontiac G6

Asphalt 8: Airborne (2013)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2024-11-24 08:56
Sable must be Ford Taurus cause I got a 2007 Ford Taurus and the pics looks just like my car except with some lights down below the bumper I don't have and diffrent tail lights.

-- Last edit:
2024-11-24 08:57:49

The Saboteur (2009)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2024-11-09 10:26
Guy I think it's more like a East German EMW 340 than Peugeot, The 340 was a modified BMW 326 and the 326 would have been around in WW2.

The 2 even have the exact same wheels design as this car in the game.

-- Last edit:
2024-11-10 21:26:44 (Silnev)
Chevrolet Impala
Chevrolet Impala

Dead Rising 3 (2013)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2023-09-22 05:12
Looks like a Imperial, Identical to this car but with Chevy taillights:
Ford Crown Victoria
Ford Crown Victoria

Asphalt 5 (2009)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2023-09-22 05:05
Reminds me of that famous part from the opening on 21 Jump Street, JUMP (cop car flips) I said JUMP, Down on Jump Street :P.
Moskvitch 408
Moskvitch 408

Atomic Heart (2023)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2023-07-06 01:38
Is that the only vehicle in the whole game?

GearCity (2022)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2023-07-06 01:31
matias13 wrote
Something British?

It's a big Wolseley..I forget the model number..Commonly used with the Bobbies in the early days.
Made for Game Sedan
Made for Game Sedan

Dying Light (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2022-02-06 01:10
Is this game set in Israel? I notice the Police vehicles looks like old Jewish Police scheme.
Ford LTD
Ford LTD

Manhunt 2 (2007)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2022-02-05 21:20
This might be a undercover Police car since it has the bar on front.
Ford Taurus
Ford Taurus

18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul (2007)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2022-01-02 03:50
Is this the only Police car in the game? Or do they have diffrent ones in each locale? That is a Washington D.C. cop car BTW.
Plymouth Fury
Plymouth Fury

Police Pursuit (2008)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2022-01-01 09:47
It's actually a 1978 Dodge Monaco (due to the split grill and chrome stripes on the taillights.
Dodge Monaco
Dodge Monaco

Runabout 3D: Drive Impossible (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2022-01-01 09:27
Don't think that's a Dodge Monaco. Looks to be a Ford Granada from the 1980's or Taunus..Possibly a Holden something from the mid 1970's-early 1980's.
Made for Game Hatchback
Made for Game Hatchback

Left Alive (2019)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2021-06-05 20:27
Wow, How could one see to drive this? Seems to have no windows or windshield. Or is it snow covered? Maybe it's drove via camera LOL.
Ford Escort
Ford Escort

Republic: The Revolution (2003)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2019-12-23 22:07
What is wrote on this car? That is supposed to say МИЛИЦИЯ I think but ЗШЛЦВЙ?? Hmmn, Gets Google Translate ready.
BMW 3 Touring
BMW 3 Touring

Fahr-Simulator 2012 (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2018-10-01 02:59
Where are the markings? The polizei one should be green/white.

Gangstar: Vegas (2013)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2018-05-02 03:53
I'm going with Auburn, Looks simular to the HotWheels Auburn.
Chevrolet Impala
Chevrolet Impala

Police Quest 2: The Vengeance (1988)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-05-26 07:15
No,no..That's not a Caprice or Impala or even a Chevy for that matter..I'd go with Ford Fairmont or Mercury Zephyr..For starters the front turn signals are the wrong shape,not as tall as,and mounted way too low for a Chevy.
GAZ 24 Volga
GAZ 24 Volga

Moskovskiy Vodila (2009)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-25 21:24
This a chop job or was a 2 door Volga M24 made?
Lada 1300
Lada 1300

007 Legends (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-24 23:29
What's the diffrence between the 2105 and 2107? The 2 models looks identical in every way. Is one older than the other or something? I never saw the diffrence in the 2.
VAZ 2106 Zhiguli
VAZ 2106 Zhiguli

Memento Mori (2008)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-24 22:09
I have this car thanks to my pal RacingFreak ripping it and just noticed something, It has a 2106 front but a 2101 back..What a mashup.
Ford LTD
Ford LTD

Driver: San Francisco (Wii) (2011)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-15 21:54
This also what the police car is?
Uralvagonzavod T-55 AM
Uralvagonzavod T-55 AM

Wargame: European Escalation (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-15 21:34
NVA edition.
UAZ 469
UAZ 469

Wargame: European Escalation (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-15 21:33
NVA edition UAZ 469.
Buick Century
Buick Century

Life is Strange (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2016-01-10 18:51
Guys I have a update to report, I don't know the exact model (cause it was raining out and I didn't wanna get out and look at it) but I have saw those taillights on a Kia something at work and the side of the car is even simular to this police car, Only diffrence is they no doubt used a Ford CrownVic front on this car.
Ford Econoline
Ford Econoline

Castle: Dangerous Game (2014)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 18:34
Adrigaaas90 wrote
Ford Econoline?
Did Econoline do the box vans? I thought they was just large regular vans.
Packard Twelve
Packard Twelve

...A Personal Nightmare (1989)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 07:07
I have seen this kind of car before in diecast police cars on Ebay..It's a Wolsey Wolsley I think.
Wartburg 353
Wartburg 353

EEP Virtual Railroad 3 (2004)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:56
Is this game set in East Germany? And the plate should be VP not SU LOL and have 01-12 (don't think there was 50 VoPo districts) and 4 digits after the district number.
Peugeot 306
Peugeot 306

3D Driving School (2002)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:51
Maybe in Saarland where German police loves to use Peugeot vehicles :P.
Chevrolet Caprice
Chevrolet Caprice

Interstate '82 (1999)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:43
1974 Dodge Monaco with Chevy Caprice wheels.
Trabant 600
Trabant 600

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 3 (2010)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:38
Actually for a first issue (1950's) Trabbi the tail lights fit, They didn't always have 1957 Chevy style fins on them.
Trabant 601
Trabant 601

WRC: Rally Evolved (2005)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:36
If a Trabant married a Polski Fiat 125 LOL.
Trabant 601
Trabant 601

Act of War: Direct Action (2005)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:34
Nice custom job by the makers of this game, Trabbi never came in a 4 door :P.
Plymouth Custom
Plymouth Custom

Ridge Racer: Unbounded (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:24
Custom 1951 Mercury (I have a Hotwheels car that looks just like that).
Chevrolet Caprice
Chevrolet Caprice

Ridge Racer: Unbounded (2012)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 06:22
1987-1990 Caprice wagon, there was no white top light on the turn signals for 1986 models ONLY 1987-1990.
Buick Century
Buick Century

Life is Strange (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-25 05:38
Burn Rubber wrote
Why is the Interior View not an interior? :lol:

It's damn hard to get good inside pics of the vehicles of this game so I focused on doing the 3 parts of a vehicle instead (front,side,and back). there is also a Mack or Peterbilt semi truck parked at the gas station across the street from where the police car is parked but I doubt anyone can get a good pic of that..Everytime you try to go near that place she says: I don't want to go that way,Nope,I don't need to go there,etc. LOL.

-- Last edit:
2015-09-25 05:39:48
Buick Century
Buick Century

Life is Strange (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-24 06:58
I personally think this car is a mash up of Ford CrownVic,Buick (as it looks on the sides simular to a 2000 Lesabre I used to have) and the tail lights maybe Toyota? A friend of mine said he also sees Mid 1990's Caprice in it though I don't.
Ford F-150
Ford F-150

Life is Strange (2015)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-09-11 23:49
Ford F150 alright but with Chevy style turn signals on the front fenders and unique tail lights that resemble the Japanese trucks because the Fords had no yellow on the tail lights.
Ford Crown Victoria
Ford Crown Victoria

4x4 Evo 2 (2002)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-06-19 15:12
I just got this game in a download..Does those CrownVics chase you or no?
VAZ 1111 Oka
VAZ 1111 Oka

Classic Car Racing (2007)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-06-19 14:55
why do they got their hands up? Guilty of something I rekon.
VAZ 21011 Zhiguli
VAZ 21011 Zhiguli

World in Conflict (2007)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-06-19 14:34
Hmmn..Looks more like a Volga M24 than a Lada 2101.
Chevrolet Caprice
Chevrolet Caprice

World in Conflict (2007)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-06-19 14:30
Gamer wrote
1984 Chevrolet Impala.

Not Impala unless they decided to give it Caprice taillights.
Nissan Skyline GT-R
Nissan Skyline GT-R

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (2005)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2015-06-19 08:27
108092 wrote
no real siren and no real lightbar in mindnight club 3. In midnight club 2 real lightbar and real siren

Yes and no..Real lightbar on that game's Z cop car yes but the siren was a mix of the police wail tone and the ambulance Himedic Hi-Lo tones.
Dodge Diplomat
Dodge Diplomat

The Wolf Among Us (2013)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2014-12-14 22:56
Is this game in NY city? They did a good job on those late 1980's cop cars .
Dodge Diplomat
Dodge Diplomat

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (2008)
Country FlagPaul Spain
2014-12-14 22:53
Dodge Aspen or Plymouth Volare (they was both the same car).