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Chevrolet Camaro SS
Chevrolet Camaro SS

Driver: San Francisco (2011)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-14 18:29
440 mopar a écrit
Why do we add MkI, MkII, MkIII etc. for Camaros and Mustangs? I know it's to show the model generation but why only do it for a few cars? Camaros and Firebirds share the same platform, yet I don't see marks for Firebirds? Ditto for Cougars, since they are the same as Mustangs. Why isn't a '67 Charger listed a Charger MkI? or a '69 Charger a MkII?

Agreed, and wouldn't it be better to have "Gen 1. Gen 2." .etc instead of Mk? Maybe only have Mk on vehicles from Britain.
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza

Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-14 18:08
Tuppence870 a écrit

lcpdcv, what part of being banned don't you understand? All you ever seem to do is patronize other users - I don't think I've seen you contribute anything useful since you got back.

Now we got a paranoid nutcase who thinks i'm lcpdcv. Great.
I guess finding out who hacked Racingfreak's account isn't useful at all, hmmm?

-- Last edit:
2014-10-14 18:20:38
International 3600
International 3600

The Sims: FreePlay (2011)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-14 04:44
Since today is your first day on the internet apparently, have this:
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza

Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-14 04:43
car racing king a écrit

Waste of time. And you didn't even think that other people were replying to it either, did you? Yeesh.

Replying to you sure is a waste of time. "Yeesh." :lol:

-- Last edit:
2014-10-14 04:49:23
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza

Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-13 23:36
car racing king a écrit

Who even checks that!? You read a comment, and rarely look at who wrote it! Yeesh!

If you have any web-etiquette whatsoever, you do look at who wrote it and observe the date.
Subaru Impreza
Subaru Impreza

Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-13 03:05
It's pretty stupid to reply to an eight year old comment from a user who's account no longer exists.
BMW 2500
BMW 2500

Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-12 19:47
carrosdu a écrit
1981 honda accord?

How, in any way, does this look like an Accord?
BMW 2500
BMW 2500

Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-12 19:47
carrosdu a écrit
1981 honda accord sedan

Absolutely not.
Willys MB 'Jeep'
Willys MB 'Jeep'

Forza Horizon 2 (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 18:51
Thank you to the admin who deleted all that garbage.
Willys MB 'Jeep'
Willys MB 'Jeep'

Forza Horizon 2 (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 18:39
Speedevil a écrit
Class: Offroad

Almost FOUR whole pages of this class spam. Ridiculous.
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 03:41
It's a secret. ;)
And it is in the final game, it's just unused.

-- Last edit:
2014-10-09 03:47:15
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 03:22
There you go again, lying.
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 02:48
vw a écrit
I Dont know who to hack

See? Now he's trying to decide who to hack. How nice. This is ridiculous, he just flat out admitted that he did it.

-- Last edit:
2014-10-09 02:56:06
Noble M600
Noble M600

Forza Horizon 2 (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 02:06
Just stop with the lying and the denial, it won't get you anywhere.
Noble M600
Noble M600

Forza Horizon 2 (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 02:04
vw a écrit
J-2 I have never ever hacked the site

There you go again with the blatant lying.
Noble M600
Noble M600

Forza Horizon 2 (2014)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 00:55
J-2 a écrit
Only for buyers of the Car Pass for now.

J-2, we have a problem. I've been a long time friend of RacingFreak (helped him with mm2 mods) and he recently invited me to a group chat for discussion of various games on Skype. None other than VW was there bragging that he was responsible for the attacks on the site, even reciting the messages he first posted when he decided to attack the site. I posted screengrabs of the discussion on a TG page.

-- Last edit:
2014-10-09 00:56:30
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 00:47
vw a écrit
I never Jacked his account never hijacked the site the picture was a dumb mistake I screwed up and i got punished it but know i want to wipe it clean

Oh really? Those Skype screengrabs prove it. As I said, you showed your true colors on Skype.
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-09 00:39
vw a écrit
sorry RF for stealing your pics I want to build a good name for my elf here I want to leave the past behind I have learned from my mistakes

Not happening. You showed your true colors on Skype.
You hijacked his account, vandalized the site, and now you have the nerve to steal his pictures!? You're getting IP banned.
EDIT:He edited the quoted post to now say "I agree".

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2014-10-09 02:28:17
BMW 525i
BMW 525i

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 16:34
vw a écrit
nice car TY RF

Sorry, sucking up to him isn't going to work. You hacked his account and vandalized the site - you're done for.
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 13:00
vw a écrit

I warned RF about this hes a troll who cant read the script IMV he wants attention

I'm a troll who can't read the script? Seriously? Come on, you confessed right there in those screengrabs to vandalizing IGCD. It's you who's the troll (and griefer) who can't read the script.

-- Last edit:
2014-10-08 13:10:02
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 01:42
Dug up a few more messages from his "master plan" :lol:

-- Last edit:
2014-10-08 01:43:00
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 00:47
Yes, he changed them to say all kinds of offensive/moronic things.
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 00:40
He more or less confessed to hacking RacingFreak's account to vandalize the site and say that it was LCPDCV via Skype. I'm good friends with RacingFreak, so i'm pretty pissed off at him.

-- Last edit:
2014-10-08 00:40:56
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 00:34
Because that screencap basically proves that you did it, not to mention you were quick to reply a blatant lie
vw a écrit
WHOA not me dude my Skype account was hacked

Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-08 00:01
Whatever, you were just going to make up more lies and excuses. I have more screencaps from Skype from him saying that he did hack RF's account.
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 23:56
No answer?
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 23:00
vw a écrit
he said i was another guy so what I didnt get mad at him I looked up to him

If you didn't get mad, why did you confess over Skype you hated him and you had something planned? (to hack RF's account and pin the blame on him)
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 22:10
vw a écrit
the truth LCPCV was a jerk but i came to respect him ok he had a short fuses and it got him exiled from the site but the guy who did that has issues to like say you ******* hate someone us not cricket dude and to like want to get revenge and to jack an admins account to try to make LCPCV bad is messed up

This is just more proof it was you. You're so mad that you were finally called out that you can't even spell "lcpdcv" correctly.
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 21:55
vw a écrit
WHOA not me dude my Skype account was hacked

Now you're making up an excuse and backpedaling.
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 21:36
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 21:25
vw a écrit
No I am not i can make my own picks and it was you that stole lcpcv,s pics from stuntman and it was you who said bad things about an admin can i take it its you are planning to steal RFs pics after you hacked my account like the last tim you did it and i found you out I am not that stupid and neither are my fellow members

Are you serious? Holy jesus kid, you got issues. You even confessed to me via Skype that you "fucking hate LCPDCV" and that you were "sick of him re-registering and calling you out" and that you had "something planned". You jacked RF's account and deleted your own comments to plant evidence, as well as editing various game titles and cars to have stupid pictures or titles like "LCPD IS BACK" or "MARTIN07/VW IS GAY LCPDCV RULES".
Made for Game Coupe
Made for Game Coupe

The Getaway (2002)
Country Flagtupacserbia
2014-10-07 21:10
vw a écrit
iys a Nissan Fairlady with a different grille sonny had the license because they used a fairlady in the first GT but they want to create a game car (unlicensed

Do you have Downs Syndrome? Stay off the TG page if all you're going to do is drool all over it with this stupidity (plus you're planning on stealing RF's pics anyways)