2013 Nissan Leaf

Infos supplémentaires: S

Châssis: ZE0

Mk: 1

Catégorie: Berline à hayon

Origine: JP Japon

Véhicule non jouable



Contributeur: Klumb3r

Contributeur: Klumb3r


Auteur Message

PH jus1029 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-14 08:11
I like how, in one part of the game, it utilizes the Leaf's generator power. :D
TW GoodTwApple photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-12 23:23
this vehicle is also appears in the game play, not only in cutscene
View post on imgur.com

-- Last edit:
2016-04-12 23:24:25

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