2007 Jeep J8

Surnom: Canis Crusader

Châssis: JK

Catégorie: Tout-terrain / SUV

Origine: US Etats-Unis

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Contributeur: speedfreak975

Contributeur: speedfreak975

Contributeur: Jonathan6506


Auteur Message

US generalrusty78 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-04-12 16:40
The Crusader is a military-grade SUV popular with US armed forces in the Middle East and lesbians in the Pacific North West. Perfect for navigating hostile terrain like bombed-out villages and vegan craft fairs. Its four-cylinder diesel engine comes nowhere near to meeting US emission standards, but we're guessing that carbon footprint isn't top of your priority list

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2015-07-28 23:07
It is Jeep J8. It shares with Crusader straight steel bumpers on front and back, black steel wheels. It was first revealed in 2007, also 4-cylinder diesel engine does not meet U.S. emisson standards, which is mentioned on Warstock page for Crusader, quote: "...Its four-cylinder diesel engine comes nowhere near to meeting US emission standards, but we're guessing that carbon footprint isn't top of your priority list." Please change it.

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