1985 GMC Vandura

Infos supplémentaires: G-1500

Catégorie: Fourgon / Monospace

Origine: US Etats-Unis

Véhicule jouable à télécharger
: January Recaro Car Pack



Contributeur: J-2

Contributeur: J-2

Contributeur: J-2


Auteur Message

KP Razor440 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-13 04:03
Cue the A-Team theme song! :lol:
NL MartinBond photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-17 09:55
As Ray Stevens said:

"It's not what you got it's how you use it, it's just a matter of style"
DE FRANKIE SAYS RELAX photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-15 15:41
perfect car for a redneck design. now pls T10 , bring me the Tranist SSV and a VDUB Bus T1 and i'll be happy.

-- Last edit:
2012-12-15 15:41:42
UK I NEED NAWZZZ photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-15 10:27
Admittedly, I'm kind of looking forward to this one (as it'll probably be the free car) since I didn't feel the September pack on Forza 4 delivered to my fancy. Even so, it's still odd for this to even be here.
stryder237 photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-15 10:09
why no syclone? :(
PL Hamisxa photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-15 10:06
Wrong game man lol

US Shinka Nibutani photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-15 09:18
The Burrito is back.

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