2005 Ford Mustang

Surname: John Creasman's Car

Extra info: GT

Chassis: S197

Mk: 5

Class: Coupé

Origin: US USA

Playable and unlockable vehicle
: Beat the game and watch the credits.



Contributor: Killercar34

Contributor: Killercar34

Contributor: Killercar34


Author Message
SUPER-TANK photo_librarymode_comment

2024-06-08 21:16
John's car still passes by even when you're driving his.

FR Matthew-Engelman photo_librarymode_comment

2023-12-05 12:20
Vxctec wrote
A few more minutes during gameplay, you could see John Creasman himself driving by while you were in the jeep.

Yes, and he says "YEEHAW, smile baby"

-- Last edit:
2023-12-21 21:24:05

US Vxctec photo_librarymode_comment

2023-04-13 23:09
A few more minutes during gameplay, you could see John Creasman himself driving by while you were in the jeep.

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