International 4000-Series

Class: Simple truck

Origin: US USA

Vehicle only seen in CGI cut scene



Contributor: clawdenbob


Author Message
YU GAZ_53 photo_librarymode_comment

2024-06-14 23:00
Is it just me? Or does this truck look better than the one we got in the finished game?
YU GAZ_53 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-05-28 05:14
International 4000 series
US gunge photo_librarymode_comment

2021-02-07 00:04
looks like a freightliner of some sort

-- Last edit:
2021-02-07 00:05:45
DE clawdenbob photo_librarymode_comment

2021-02-06 23:44
Another good look at this truck is in one of the early gameplay videos. Here it can be perfectly spotted on 5:27. I have even set a correct timestamp in the link.

-- Last edit:
2021-02-06 23:46:51
DE clawdenbob photo_librarymode_comment

2021-02-06 22:52
Here is the old official screenshot which shows this truck more clearly.

-- Last edit:
2021-02-07 01:18:03 (Attacker1997)
DE clawdenbob photo_librarymode_comment

2021-02-06 22:26
An old truck design, which can be seen in early 2017 gameplay videos for Far Cry 5. But it still can be spotted in the final cutscene for "Sacrifice the weak" mission. Suprisingly enough the developers forgot to replace it.

-- Last edit:
2023-03-18 20:33:00

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