
Class: Coupé

Playable and unlockable vehicle
: Only on PS1 version - Miami Mission 'The Clean Up Part 2'



Contributor: Fisico9798

Contributor: Fisico9798


Author Message
UtterNoobery photo_librarymode_comment

2024-05-20 23:12
Just rambling here but Driver's vehicle damage was very realistic to how the cars would crumple in real life. IRL if you had a heavy full frontal crash (say 25-30 mph into a concrete wall or 40-55 mph into a lighter stationary car) in a 61-70 pontiac (which includes the PC version of this car, and this car too if you still think it's a Bonneville) it would crumple behind the front wheels. If you crash this car in-game the front wheels appear to move back. They probably don't actually move back (I think the damage textures just make it appear that way) but no other car acts like that ingame (which is also realistic for the most part). A 68 Cadillac or any Mopar from that era would not crumple like that, so that's part of an argument for this car being at least related to a Pontiac. It's also some attention to detail any normal person (not a car nerd like me) would never notice.
DE MrBlonde294 photo_librarymode_comment

2024-03-12 17:53
rear body 1972 Plymouth Satellite Sebring
front 1967 Cadillac Calais

Merc is for Mercury photo_librarymode_comment

2024-02-21 21:41
Going off the shape, '76 Cougar
Darkone2007 photo_librarymode_comment

2024-02-08 12:54
I feel a bit of Chrysler in the back
CA totalledcobaltcoupe photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-27 19:43
78 dodge monaco. www.google.com/search?q=78+dodge+monaco&rlz=1C1GGRV_enCA748CA749&oq=78+monaco&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l7.10449j0j4&sou

US generalrusty78 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-26 00:28
Yeah I'm going to say it's a 66 Caddy because that is going to be the closest we're going to get, it's rear is from a Mopar, and Mopar never really got into the stacked headlights craze of the mid to late 1960s, aside for the Plymouth Fury, and the Fury's headlights are connected to the grill, while this isn't Cadillac Coupe Deville (1966) Selling My Cadillac Coupe: Used ...

US generalrusty78 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-25 23:58
1965 Cadillac Deville

DE Fisico9798 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-25 23:23
OK, it's not exactly a Pontiac Bonneville.

The front lights are, as already mentioned by my prescriber, the only thing from a Bonneville.
The rear and body type of the car are different from the Pontiac.

That's why I think we should edit the car again to unknown.
Until it is confirmed, what car it really is.

AU Silnev photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-20 21:43
I'm not sure what this is but it is not a 1964 Pontiac Bonneville:

The only similarity to a Pontiac is the stacked headlights. Heck the rear bumper is from a 72 Torino.

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