Toyota Prius

Surnom: Solar

Châssis: NHW20

Mk: 2

Catégorie: Berline à hayon

Origine: JP Japon

Véhicule jouable



Contributeur: speedfreak975

Contributeur: speedfreak975


Auteur Message
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-24 22:00
Thank goodness they redesigned that rear end, that was the ugliest part of the original model. Also, good call on them adding a window behind the rear doors, albeit at the cost of doing away with the little windows in front of the front doors.

Overall, this looks like a major improvement over the original model, for certain!

VE MikhaC14 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-24 19:25
looks weird with those Mercedes tail lights

UK cherrier_vivace photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-22 11:55
same at the front
but sexier taillights

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